Benefits and tricks of love marriage
Today, the trend of love marriage is increasing. Today youth want to find a partner for the marriage of their choice. Everyone wants that after marriage, with which he has to spend his whole life, the complete decision of his choice is his own. But there are many people who are not familiar with the right definition of love marriage. This is the reason that today in this article of Best Astrology solution we will discuss in detail the topic of love marriage. Along with this, here we will also give information about the benefits of love marriage.
What is love marriage?
It is said that marriage is a precious relationship of a lifetime. Talk about inter caste love marriage, in this the boy and the girl already know each other and they have deep feelings and true love between them. In this, both get married with mutual consent. This is called a love marriage.
Benefits of love marriage
Love marriage has many benefits If parents do not give their consent in love marriage, then they can be told about the benefits given below in the article. If you are aware of love marriage, then it will be easy to understand these benefits.
1. Meeting desired life partner
One of the biggest advantages in love marriage is that you get a chance to spend life with your desired partner. In this, like in arranged marriage, the family members do not search for a partner, be it a boy or a girl, by expressing their consent to spend life with the partner of their mind, they themselves get tied up in marriage.
2. Loving Relationship
It has been mentioned above in the article that love marriage rests on the bond of love. In research, women said that the amount of love between partners before marriage is more than the amount of love between couples after marriage (1). In an arranged marriage where love happens after marriage and the relationship is strong, whereas in love marriage there is love before marriage and later the relationship is strong and no love problems comes in there realationship.
3. Better recognition of the partner
In love marriage, the partner has more identity than arranged marriage. In this, the partners take care of each other’s likes and dislikes. Apart from this, they are very well aware of both their good and bad behaviour. Due to this, there is less possibility of estrangement between them.
4. No Fight
Resentment and fighting are very common in any relationship. In such a situation, its chances are slightly less in love marriage than in arranged marriage. This is because in love marriage couples know each other for a long time and due to this they get to know about each other’s habits and they get to know what is good and what is bad for their partner. Is.
5. Being happy with the mind
People who do love marriage get the desired partner. In such a situation, it is necessary for both to be happy. Both the partners get satisfaction in their life that they can spend their future life happily with their desired partner.
6. Support each other in every happiness and sorrow
People who do love marriage have better coordination. The love couple has spent a lot of time together. Both have already been facing each other’s difficulties together. The life of both partners starts with each other and ends with each other. In such a situation, both of them stand with their partner in every situation, be it happiness or sorrow.
7. Romance
Romance is an important part of everyone’s life. People having love marriages have better chemistry than other people. Because, these two have been with each other for a long time. They know very well what makes their partner happy. This is the reason why couples who do love marriage always find an excuse to love their partner.
8. Understanding each other better
In love marriage, both already know each other. The couple knows each other good and bad very well. They decide to get married only after they know each other very well. So, there is no further compatibility issue between them. Both understand each other very well and support each other accordingly.
9. End of the problem like dowry
People who do love marriage do not care about the customs of the society. In this, he starts this new page of his life only after taking the blessings of his family. On the other hand, in arranged marriage, the family members of the girl have to give money and expensive gifts to the family members of the boy in the name of dowry. On the other hand, no boy demands dowry in love marriage. In this marriage, only the partner needs each other’s support.
10. Addicted to Each Other
Many times it is seen that after a few years of marriage, couples start getting bored. This is not seen in love marriage. Actually, both the people who do love marriage become addicted to each other. both have been enjoying every pleasure