How to Solve the Problems of Married Life?
People have reduced the ability to bring solutions to the problems they are having with their partners. And when there are conflicts, then the entanglement increases a lot. Instead, the more you understand, the more confidence grows. Increasing faith will give results. Without faith, nothing will help you. If you act wisely, then your partner will also be satisfied and your life will be happy.
An Inter caste Love Marriage Solution Specialist Astrologer has given many ways to solve the troubles and problems in married life. Below are some excerpts are taken from his satsang, which may help the readers to avoid the troubles in their married life.
Keep The Problems Confined to The Four Walls of The House
Let the matter of your home remain at home, you should live life like such a family. It is good to bring about this much change. There should not be any distress at all.
Behave Peacefully When Your Spouse is Angry
You should get married only if you can remain calm when your spouse is angry. If he gets angry and we also start getting angry, then it will be called carelessness. We have to remain calm when he jumps.
Be positive…
When we deal with others, it is natural for their positive and negative qualities to appear. But we tend to see more of their negative qualities. To solve this problem, write down the virtues of your spouse, and read them when there is a conflict. You will be surprised how much a pleasant change this small experiment can bring in your married life.
Don’t Tolerate, Bring Solutions-
Instead of tolerating it, it would be more appropriate to consider how tribulation in married life can be avoided. Bring a solution to it with understanding and thought. To tolerate is a crime. When the limit of tolerance is crossed, the person jumps like a spring and destroys the whole house. Patience is like a spring. Never apply pressure to a spring. It is okay to some extent while dealing with others but should not be suppressed like this at home. Spring will spring. There should be some degree of tolerance.
The reason behind this can be known by thinking closely. If tolerated without understanding, it will spring like a spring. Therefore, there is a need to think. Because of not thinking, you have to tolerate it. On thinking, you will understand where the mistake is being made. Will find another solution.
The Key to Peace — Adjust with Your Life Partner
No two persons are alike in this world. This is also one of the reasons for trouble in married life. After understanding this, there is only one way to find a solution, ‘adjust everywhere’. What is the meaning of ‘my family’? It means, “There is no dispute between us of any kind.” One should know how to adjust in one’s own family. , God doesn’t live in a house where there is conflict.
If both husband and wife decide to take adjustment with each other, it is possible for both to achieve the goal. For example, when a person has pain in one hand, instead of telling someone else, he can massage the painful hand with the other good hand. Similarly, if you adjust then only your work will be done. Nothing is gained by suffering. Differences happen even without wanting to. If the person in front is stubborn and keeps hold of his words, then you should go to sleep after ‘let go’. But if both of you stick to your point, then even after the whole night has passed, there will be no end to the discord. The caution you exercise while dealing with others, in partnership, business and all such matters, should you not exercise the same caution in dealing with your spouse?
Have A Sense of Resolve-
World famous astrologer used to say, “We have to be sure that we have to ‘solve the person in front of us’. Make sure to get fired with equal respect, then it is not to be seen in advance whether it will be fired or not. And it will be removed. If not today, it will happen on the second day, it will happen on the third day, if it is thick then it will happen in two years, in three years or in four years. Debts of a wife are very strong, children are strong, and parents are strong, there it takes a little more time. All this happens with your company, there it is removed gradually. But we have decided that whenever it happens, ‘we have to remove it with equality’, so one day it will be removed, and its end will come. Where there are heavy debts, there has to be a lot of vigilance, even if it is such a small snake, it has to be careful and careful. And if you remain unaware, remain unaware, then there is no solution. If the other person speaks and we also speak, there is no problem in speaking, but behind speaking we have to ‘remove all possibilities, this is why there is no malice.
Pratikraman — A Powerful Tool-
When you find yourself in marital conflict, don’t let it affect your external relationship with your spouse. What should we do if we have a previous debt with whom we don’t like, we don’t like to live with him and still, we have to compulsorily live in cohabitation? External behavior should be with him, but internally pratikraman should be done in his name. Because we have transgressed in the previous life, this is the result of that. What were the causes? So, there was atikraman with him in the previous birth. That transcendence bore fruit in this birth. That is, if we do pratikraman for it, it will be plus-minus (adding-subtracting). So inside you apologize for that. Keep apologizing that ‘all the faults I have committed, Apologize for that.
Keep Unity-
Have unity with your spouse. Even if there is a difference of opinion with the wife, there will not be unity, then where else will you keep it? Unity means that there should never be differences. Deciding with this one person, ‘There should be such unity that there should be no differences between you and me.’
Not only this, there should not be any discrimination in your mind towards them, and they should not feel any separation from you. Even if his speech turns out to be inappropriate, you should give him the same respect. And when you feel that differences are increasing, then take the initiative to resolve them and talk to them as if nothing has happened. Such efforts will not create a rift in the unity of both of you.
Love Problems and Astrology-
From astrology, we can know in which situation the condition of our love relationship will be good and in which situation it will be bad, the position of the planets in any person’s horoscope determines how his married life or husband-wife relationship will be. In the horoscope of any person, the fifth house is considered to be of love. This is where love begins. That is, if the 5th house in your horoscope is good, that means the aspect of the planets on the fifth house is good, then such a person’s love relations are very good. But if there is a position of malefic planets in the fifth house in the horoscope, then there is a situation of breaking the love relationship. Similarly, if Shani Dev is sitting in the fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh house of the horoscope, then also there is a situation of breaking of the love relationship.
Contribution of Venus in love relations-
Astrology says that if Venus is strong in the matter of love then no one can sink your love boat. With the strengthening of Venus, your relationships will become strong, but it also depends on the union of other planets with Venus. Feelings of love arise in the mind only when Venus and Mars meet. Similarly, when the Moon is strong, the mind becomes fickle and the person starts leaning toward love. But if the alliance of Venus starts forming with Rahu, then love relations are formed, but such relations do not last for long.
Whenever it comes to any problem related to love relations, people are not able to openly mention their problems and that is why they take wrong decisions under stress. Which affects their life as well as their life partner. But now the solution to your problem is just a phone call away.
Teen Love Problem Solution Teen Love Problem Solution –
attracted to the opposite sex which is common in children during the period of adolescence during the period of adolescence, children may appear and is commonly used because people of the opposite sex draw them closer or In other words, we can also say that opposite sex is attached mind which is not as mature enough to understand the situation, so love can create a big problem in their personal life or life events. . Male and female hormones play an important role in the time of attraction towards the opposite sex which is common in children during their teenage years.
So for this reason or reason using teen love problem solution specialist — teen love problems that lead to parental trauma and parents in such a situation for a Getting Tough because it handles one’s teenage life’s phases are too strong to handle and one that can easily be torn apart by emotions in love relationships.
At some point, they can also be attached to good and evil about him/her or in other words, we can also say that they can be wrongly attached. So for this reason or reason, there is a need or requirement of a teen love problem specialist.
Marriage Problem Solution for Teen Love Marriage Problem Solution for Teen —
Teen Love Problem is the portal where one can get the solution of all the questions arising in the mind of all people or groups of person. Love marriage problems solution for teens said that love is a combination of different types of things in which first one is understanding taking care of each other, third one is feeling, fourth one is emotion etc., every one as usual Running a coin. Coin has parts which are as head and tail which is similar to our life work which is same as happy and sad part.